Kidney Stone: What is the connection between kidney stone and obesity? Know the opinion of health experts

Kidney Stone: What is the connection between kidney stone and obesity? Know the opinion of health experts

If your weight has increased a lot then you have to maintain a good lifestyle. In such a situation, it is most important that you take special care of your kidneys. Also make some special changes in your lifestyle. Kidney stones are a common thing.

What is the connection between obesity and kidney stone

Asked about the link between obesity and kidney stones, he said that rarely kidney stones can be due to familial reasons which is a non-modifiable risk factor, however, one of the common causes of kidney stones is obesity which is a dangerous risk factor, according to a report published in ‘India TV’.

Take special care of your diet

Kidney stones are formed due to wrong eating habits such as high salt, trans fat, processed food, packaged food, junk food, excessive red meat and drinking less water. Kidney stones can be controlled by eating fresh vegetables and fruits. Therefore, any person should take special care of his diet. One must drink enough water according to the body."text-align: justify;">Methods to avoid and treat kidney stones

A good dietician is very helpful in planning the right diet for patients with obesity and frequent kidney stones. Most people do not do physical activity. Due to which obesity starts increasing rapidly. Therefore, it is very important to do regular exercise. Excessive weight can cause many diseases. It can also increase the risk of kidney stones. 

Small size kidney stones come out on their own

Small kidney stones go away on their own and if the diet is right, they do not occur again. However, large kidney stones become very dangerous. They can be removed only by surgery. However, this treatment is not that effective. Patients who repeatedly get kidney stones need special treatment."text-align: justify;">What are the causes of pain in different parts of the body?

The reason for neck pain is your stubborn nature or inflexibility towards anything. If you feel stiffness and pain in the upper part of the spine, then understand that you are becoming negative from within. If you are afraid of taking a big decision in your life, then you may feel pain in the hips. Worry about money can give you back pain. Pain in the elbow is a sign that you are not ready to accept new experiences. Mentioning these things means that along with the body, you also need to listen to your heart and mind. Let us know from Swami Ramdev how to find a solution to this kind of pain.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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